Downstream casino free play

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I ended up staying in my brothers room a few doors down as the couple who orignally planeed on staying there decided to drive home so that I would have somewhere safe to sleep.

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I think a better way to handle would have been to attempt to talk to my wife to straighten the situation out instead of being completely absurd and ridiculous and so threatening. Main game is 1-2 NL, reportedly some 2-3 in busier traffic, not sure what else. About 6 tables were in play mid-Friday, looked like about 10 tables in play Saturday early evening. Since I had a few drinks and thought I had a hotel to stay in I found it very odd that they would force me to leave or be put in jail. The poker room was 14 tables and smelled of flop-sweat (glassed-in area off the main casino). They told me I had to leave the premises or else Federal Marshalls would be called on me. I followed her a while later and was knocking on the door to get in when hotel security came up and proceeded to escort me downstairs stating I could not get into my own hotel room because my wife had 'changed the locks' and my name was not on the reservation. Me and my wife of 14 years rented a room at the Downstream Hotel to celebrate a relatives 60th birthday with family and we had quite a few drinks and my wife had lost her room key and had another one created and went up to go to bed early.

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